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Monday, September 17, 2012

Coming Up Quickly

Wow, surgery is quickly approaching and I can't put a stop on IS going to happen SOON.  Part of me is excited as I am certainly expecting this to be my last for a long while.  Insert happy dance here!  All accommodations and everything is set up now.  All flights, car rental, condo are organized.  As far as the insurance goes, I am paying just over $13,000 on the day of surgery and hopefully will get my surgery covered.  The clinic has seen my insurance provider go both ways from not covering anything to covering everything.  I will have to sign before surgery that I am willing to pay if the insurance company decides not to cover my surgery.  I don't intend to go down without a fight if they deny my surgery.  Who the heck has another $34,000 just sitting around to pay for a surgery.  This insurance deal really makes the nervous.  I have to remember though that there are always ways to make this work financially and that no matter what, having functional hips is worth it.  I am hoping that this next surgery will allow me to get my life back, and one can't put a price on that.  Plus I have the reassurance that in 2 years I will start to make ok money, and then after 3-5 more years I'll be making a sufficient amount of money.  It will be okay.

Hipwise things are about the same and unchanged since last posting.  I won't re-type everything.  I do know that I need surgery though as this right side is feeling similar (but with more ROM) to how my left side was feeling in December prior to the first Dr. Philippon surgery.  I hate that I know everything that is going to happen.  I keep reliving my previous two surgeries with him, over and over.  I mean it really isn't THAT terrible.  I could handle it.  January's surgery was brutal, but I got through that too.  I think it's the whole: "let's pull you leg out of the socket and jab pencil-sized instruments into your hip where we are going to grind and stitch thing together" doesn't thrill me.  The reason I am doing this is the get the eventual pain relief I anticipate, so that I can return back to medical school with two decent hips.  That's quite exciting.  I am ready to move on.  I am sick and tired of being the "hip girl" :)

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