A lot has happened since the last time I posted. I have surgery booked for the 7th of July at 10:00AM for femoral osteoplasty, acetabular osteoplasty, and labral repair. It is going to be an outpatient procedure where I will have to go back to a hotel room (since I have to be out of my apartment July 1st). Then we have to drive home which entails stopping every 1-2 hours so I can move around to prevent DVTs. Given that this drive normally takes 11 hours, this is going to really, really suck trying to get home. But, it must be done. In all reality, I am scared to death of the drive home; even more so than the actual surgery. I think I'll need all of the prayers I can get to get through that time. Thank goodness for narcotics!
We are still trying to iron out details about how/when I need to move since I have a week or so where I have to be out of my apartment and my surgery. I think that one of my friends will take me in, and I know that my boyfriend would take me in too.
I also found out that I will be NWB for two weeks, in TED hose for two weeks, then graduall
y transfer to WBAT for the next four weeks. All the while with no physiotherapy - all trying to prevent tearing of the repaired labrum. Furthermore, I am going to be wearing one of these lovely braces for six whole weeks:

Wow, that is gonna SUCK to wear all summer
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