So last night was the first full night sleep I was able to manage in five days. Last week I noticed that I had to toss and turn to fall asleep since I couldn't get comfortable, but these last few nights have not been good. I have such a busy schedule that any sleep is like gold and not being able to fall asleep is terrible. Two nights ago I only managed to get five hours sleep since I throb so much, no position is comfortable. This did me in since I had stuff to do from 6AM until 8PM, with no stopping. Needless to say, last night I came home and was in so much pain that I ended up taking a muscle relaxant and headed off to bead.
It would have been nice to have some stronger meds last night, but I am a poor student and the only thing that I had that would make me drowsy were muscle relaxants. But they did the job and I managed to get 9 hours sleep! Wahoo! Now I am a bit better but still am in more pain than I was a month ago. I am not quite sure what to make of this. I think that it might be due to the fact that I am sitting around on my butt more studying for hours upon hours and maybe this is aggrevating it? I hope so. Just a couple of more weeks and I'll be on my way to recovery. These past couple of days have really solidified the fact that I need the surgery done.
Rant over.
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