Wow, time is flying by, and I want it to since I am extremely sick of staying at home with no real schedule. I basically do nothing all day and attempt to study for a couple of hours each day (which may or may not actually happen). Otherwise, I am simply putting in time to heal before the next surgery. I dislike the fact that I am living surgery to surgery these days, but it is what needs to be done.
I am getting stronger on my left side and now feel confident that it will be able to hold me up after my right hip surgery. I am actually really looking forward to getting my right side fixed up so that I can move on with life. Having said this, I am worried too as I am physically and mentally exhausted and the thought of having another surgery makes my stomach flip. This upcoming one will make it 4 surgeries in 14 months. Something I wouldn't wish upon anybody. I now have the peace of mind to know that I have an extremely reputable surgeon and have all my trust in him to fix these stupid hips!!!
At the moment I am trying to figure out my PCP pre-op appointment. Apparently he is booked solid and they are having to 'slip me in' sometime next week. All I need is for him to fill out three papers and order some labs. Nothing much. In fact, before the last surgery we didn't even fill any of this out because it happened so quickly! All I had was blood work the day before surgery. Having looked back on the past surgery and that experience, I am still amazed at the whirlwind it was. One day I was attending medical school rotations and the next I was canceling everything have planning surgery for the next week. Craziness!
The left hip is feeling pretty good, the flexion and extension pinch is still there but my ROM is not decreasing. I am thankful for that. I still bike everyday and do exercises every day and PT twice a week. The left is still a bit finicky as far as the soft tissue goes, but, that is improving slowly. My right side as the distinct groin ache and then, intermittent lateral troch pain and butt pain. It sometimes catches when doing my exercises for my opposite hip and while rolling over/stretching in bed. I definitely know that it having this surgery is needed, although it is not nearly as bad as my left was prior to the last two surgeries on it. I hope that Dr. Philippon is pleased with the results of this surgery and the small little kinks can be worked out with time and, maybe, injections. We will see in about a month.
I had a big weekend! I went out of town with my family to visit my brother where we were outside for 6 hours sitting on picnic tables (which are very hard if you haven't ever thought about it) while we watched my mum skydive, then we walked around a Peach Fest and the next day we walked around Niagara Falls. It was so incredibly tiring. I mean, I am very glad I did it, but I am so exhausted I can barely do anything. I haven't slept very well these past two nights either. Which is due to me doing too much and then not being able to get comfortable in bed. Totally my fault since I probably shouldn't have been walking around like that, but sometimes I feel like you just have to live. Go out and do things regardless on how much it hurts. Because if you don't, you could be stuck in the house staring at walls all day living an extremely boring existence. Speaking of doing things, I have a fellow hip friend coming to visit me for a week. In fact, she is en route right now. Her flight gets in later on today. It will be fun to hang out with somebody who actually understands what life is like, especially having limited mobility. I look forward to great times with her!!!
As far as insurance goes, we are still waiting on pre-authorization. I pray that we get it or else that $10K down payment will have to be made, and I'd rather spare this if possible. I am still trying to raise money for my medical bills. As of now I have raised ~$600 (give or take a bit). I am still praying to get a bit more as these medical bills are gonna be HUGE coming up.
So I just wrote a post... and then said... hmm I wonder what I have to catch up on Victoria's blog... looks like its going to be an epic week in both our minds... SO happy to be here!!