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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Showering = Painful but... Pain Killers = Relief

So today I woke up and I actually could say that I felt better than the previous day. This was the first time since having my hip done that I could say I actually did not hurt as much. This was really exciting.

I am home alone in the mornings, so I basically get put into the recliner by my Dad and don't move until my Mum gets home in the early afternoon. So basically I am growing roots in the chair. But it is really nice and comfortable, so I don't mind. My computer keeps me quite busy. I managed to not take a pain pill until late afternoon, so I had the morning on a clear mind. I used this time to watch an open-brain surgery for treatment of Moyamoya on the Internet. Absolutely amazing what those neurosurgeons can do! I watched them suture a blood vessel from the scalp onto actual brain matter with sutures that were 1/3 the diameter of a hair. AMAZING!

On the hip front, I can now go to the bathroom by myself. No help needed to get on or off the toilet. My Mum helped me shower today; which really got me hurting. But it was worth getting all cleaned up. My incisions are looking really nice. I try to take pictures each day for myself (yes, I am a freak and like to have a serial photographical staging of my healing). Maybe I'll post some of them soon.

As far as pain goes, I am totally free of deep groin pain. I can't tell if the hip locks because I can't put any weight on it. All I can get onto the left leg is slight toe touch. It is better than no weight, but not enough to make me happy. The incisions really don't give me much grief. The most posterior incision is the most bruised, although it does not hurt too badly. But the most anterior incision is extremely tender and inflamed. The darn thing still oozes. The anterior portal looks like it won't heal as neatly as the other sites, but such is life. I have yellow bruising that goes from my anterior incision all the way to my pubic bone. Being so bruised and sore in such a tender area makes me very thankful for being under general anesthesia while they performed the operation.

Although the incisions are doing really well, the musculature is starting to tense up. I have slight ability to extend the leg at the hip, and aBduct the hip. But, my hip flexor strength is 1 out of 4. Which is really almost non-existent (for the non-medical folk). This means that I cannot flex my hip or extend my knee at all. They are so sore that any pressure at all really hurts. I suppose the physiotherapist will sort this out quickly.

Speaking of physiotherapy, I get to see her tomorrow morning for an assessment. I really cannot wait to start getting this hip loosened up and starting to move. I am going to be seeing the same physiotherapist that I saw after my right hip scope. So we already know we can work together. She's very blunt and doesn't take any crap, so I am sure she'll want to do something about these hip flexors so as to increase my ability to ambulate. I really hope that she'll do some myofacial release because that technique does wonders on the fascia surrounding the trauma of the surgery. **fingers crossed**

Until next time,



  1. HC no deep groin pain isn't that wonderful. I have to tell you I hired a toilet seat that has arms so I have not had to bend at all to sit down. It has been a saving grace. Also I had a shower seat it saved my husband getting wet and I was terrified of falling. I really missed a hot shower all over. You have bruising jesus what did they do? I had no bruising at all.I wanted to do hydro but the physio said no risk of infection was too great and it is too early. Getting moving will be a god send. Hope you can bear weight slowly but surely. My physio said "Respect the surgery" and listen to your body and that is all we can do huh! When you are well what sport or exercise do you do? I dance and have done for the last 7 years jazz and tap and I think that the intensive dancing ripped the labrum. As a younger one I also did Dancesport Latin and ballroom to Australian Standard. Guess what in a couple of months I am going back to latin and ballroom so I need to have a full ROM especially twisting and sitting back into that hip. Something to aim for. What are you aiming for? Regards Jilly xxxx

  2. As for me, I would be happy to be able to workout again, walk around the mall without pain, and do normal activities supplemented with low-impact aerobics and weights. Being that my hips are finally on their way to not hurting, and that my right hip is inherently less structurally sound than desireable (according to my OS), I am gonna stick to low-impact activities from now on. Hope things are going well for you and your recovery!!!!!
