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Saturday, December 31, 2011

AT&T Don't Text While Driving Documentary

I couldn't help but share this video after I watched it:

Friday, December 30, 2011

Nothing Else

There is nothing else to do on my end....just to travel and have the surgery done and over with! I am so thankful that everything has worked out. There were a lot of hoops through which I had to jump, and I hope that they are all worth it. At times I thought that the organization would never come together. Setting up all of the things to get to Vail to have surgery done by one of the best surgeon's in the world was, at times, extremely challenging. I am so thankful that I am able to go and have my hip fixed.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

One Week Remaining

Exactly one week from now I will most likely be done with my surgery or in surgery. It is exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time. I have everything set to go, just need to make sure that my lab results actually get to the surgeon's office since apparently they didn't receive them the first time they were faxed.

Tomorrow is my last day of my anesthesia rotation. (Thank the Lord). Then I have to pack and head off to Vail to get this darn hip of mine fixed up. Anesthesia called yesterday to take a history so that the pre-op the day before is smooth sailing. I called the insurance company and the various medical devices used afterwards are still being sorted out by the supplier and insurance company; this should be cleared either today or tomorrow.

After surgery I will be using: CPM machine, anti-rotational boots, pneumatic stockings, hip brace, and crutches. I'll have a whole bunch of machines. I bet it is going to be fun to use all of these things post-op. I'll take it though if it is going to help the recovery.

COUNTDOWN: 6 days!!!!!

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Muffin Top....IT'S GROWING!!!

I am pretty sure that the people at the surgeon's office are going to think that I lied when I filled out my paperwork. I am sure that when they go to weigh me next week that they will think that I totally lied about my weight since I have, for sure, gained several pounds over a span of a week. Man alive, this holiday eating is really doing it in for the muffin top! Phew. Despite these unwanted symptoms from over-indulgence, the Christmas holiday has been more than pleasurable. I got to celebrate Jesus' birth with the great company of family and friends. I am so thankful for the fact that I can celebrate the holidays with my family. It is a blessing and wouldn't give it up for anything.

I got four days off total this past weekend and I return to my rotations tomorrow morning. It is bitter sweet returning because it is great that my school and hospital are allowing me to do one last rotation before being off for my surgery, but at the same time my entire family is off of work/school still and they get to stay home while I will be gone all day. At least I will have the evenings to spend with them this week.

Everything is set to go to Vail. All details are in place. I have to pay some bills and email some people, but other than that, I am good to go! I am actually kind of surprised at how nervous I am getting. I know exactly what they are going to do, which is both a good and bad thing. I think that I have some weird white coat thingie going on...which is especially odd since I wear a white coat all day. I think that being on the giving rather than the receiving end of this deal is better. But, what can ya do?! Hopefully this will be the last time for a very long time that I will be on the receiving end of all of this medical care.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

2 Weeks' Time

Yuppers, in exactly two weeks I (maybe) will be all finished with my surgery and on my way with a new labrum. Yahoo! I am so ready to move on and be able to live without having my hip scream at me at the end of the day. How glorious will it be to have a hip that isn't angry 24/7? Amazing! I am hopeful and pray this will be my last hip surgery for a very long time.

On a lighter note, the doctor's at the hospital gave us medical students both Friday and Monday off....4 DAY WEEKEND ROOOOCKS! I am thrilled that I am going to be able to attend all of my family functions that we have over the next couple of days to celebrate Christmas. I am so thankful for this!

As I march into the holidays I am so excited that I get to be with my family to celebrate this wonderful holiday.

Happy Holidays to all!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

This hip is gonna be super expensive!

Man alive, when adding up all of the costs required for me to get from here to Vail to see Dr. Philippon, it makes my head spin. It is really adding up. All of the little things you dont think about. Like bulk head seating- had to pay $117 more for three people to fly bulk head seating on the way home because I'll need more room on the way home. Sigh. This is all very difficult since I have no money, but it has to be done because I really need to get fixed and it will be worth it to get the hip fixed up.

I guess it is what it is. Plus, I am truly thankful that I have the opportunity to have this surgery and have it covered under my insurance. Things could be a lot worse. I may not have health insurance, may not be able to make it to Vail, etc. So life is good, even if things are financially difficult for me at the moment.

Countdown: 17 days until surgery

Friday, December 16, 2011

Swa-eet Deal on a Hotel

I managed to finagle an incredibly sweet deal on a hotel for my stay in Vail. Seriously! I have been emailing the general manager and he has given me a room at a beautiful price. Something that is going to save us hundreds of dollars. I am stoked. Plus I am able to get a mini fridge, shower chair, and I will be asking about a raised toilet seat when I get there. This will make our stay a lot more comfortable since we'll be able to keep some food chilled and save some money by keeping some groceries in the room.

Yayayay :) Now just to book flights out


Yesterday I confirmed my surgery date and scheduled appointment times for pre-op. I have to be in town by Jan. 3rd. I have an 8:45am MRI appointment, followed by a 9:45 strength testing/ROM appointment. After this I have an appointment with the surgeon's fellow and then after lunch I'll actually have an appointment with the big guy himself. All this, then pre-op surgery appointment to organize all the meds, surgery time, etc. With surgery the following day.

It looks like I will be getting general anesthetic with an epidural. I am bummed that I'll have to have general anesthetic since I hate trying to wake up from it but will be more than happy with the epidural since it will provide wonderful pain management.

One thing that kind of surprised me, was that this surgery is going to be a 6 hour surgery. That is more than double what my previous surgeries were. Heck though, I want him to take his time fixing my hip since I plan on this being my last surgery for a very, very long time.

Now I am just booking flights, hotel, and a car. I am so relieved that all of this is finally coming together. In three weeks I'll be all done my surgery and be first day post-op. yayay!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Getting Closer - Still No Answers

It will be three weeks until my surgery in two days time and I still have yet to hear from the surgeon's office as to the details of my surgery (pre-op appointments, actual surgery day details, etc). I was told not to book any accommodations until I hear back from them, but heck, this is cutting it close since their office closes on Friday for the holidays. I am getting a bit anxious about getting all of the details figured out, so I think that calling and/or emailing the office tomorrow is in store. I feel terrible since I have already emailed her last week asking about details, but they have to give me some time to book flights, hotels, cars, etc. Phew. The surgeon was reviewing my case last I had heard, but I really need to get things in order.

Today I was in the OR scrubbed in on a case and was standing there when I realized just how much I need this surgery. I was standing there throbbing and the thought crossed my mind, "only a couple more weeks of 'functioning' like this, thank the Lord!!" I have to study in bed tonight with a heating pad because I hurt so much. This is no way to live and can't wait to get this fixed up, once and for all!! :) *fingers crossed*

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Less than a month

Apparently my case is currently being re-reviewed by the surgeon and I will hear in the next couple of days about the timeline, and finalize the surgery date. I also am going to send his office pictures of my previous hip brace since I may be able to wear the same one from my last surgery. It would be nice to be able to use that one and not have to get a new one! I hope it will suffice.

It truly is approaching quickly. I have a lot to plan, but am getting excited to be fixed. It certainly is difficult to live with chronic pain. Although I really do hurt all of the time, I think that remaining positive and having a good outlook on the entire situation makes it a lot more tolerable. It would be so easy to simply give up, call it quits, and feel sorry for myself. But that doesn't help anybody; nor is it healthy.

I read many posts on Facebook groups, forums, and continually read how horrible everybody feels. I know I've done that and posted things like that before, but at the current time, I just fail to see the point. I am in pain, but I try to repress it in order to function in life. My medical school schedule honestly doesn't care about my hip, nor does anybody I work with; they care about teaching me and about caring for patients. Hence, I've worked hard at ignoring my pain and continuing on with life. So far this tactic has been working. It could be a lot worse - I could have a terminal illness or something of that nature. Instead, although I have one messed up hip, and I have a loving family, I love what I am studying, and the Lord is completely in control. I've been dealt this for some reason and it will make me a stronger individual. I will NOT let my hip ruin my life. It has curtailed so many things thus far, I will refuse to let it bring me down further. Only 28 days left of living with my hip in its current state. I can do anything for 28 days, right?

So, from now until then...I will repress, repress, repress, and think positively. It is the only way to go.

Hugs go out to all of my fellow hip patients. We will get better :D

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

6 Weeks Left

...well, actually 6 weeks and 1 day, but 6 weeks from now I will be in Vail, CO, probably doing pre-op stuff for my surgery the following day. It seems like it is so far away, but so close at the same time. I can't say that I am nervous yet. Rather, I am excited since it means that there is light at the end of the tunnel and I am in fact going to be fixed. If Dr. P isn't the man to fix me, than I don't know who else can.

I am sure that the surgery/recovery is going to be rough since this is going to be the biggest surgery on my hips yet, but, it will be worth it so that I can get my life back. I would love to be able to walk without hurting, turn corners without catching, paint my toe nails, tie up shoes, etc. etc. get the gist :)

So currently I am awaiting final confirmation from the surgical coordinator at the surgeon's office. In a months' time I will also receive my surgery information packet and set up the actual appointment times for January. Setting this surgery up has been a pain in the neck and the logistical hoops through which I have jumped has been more than frustrating at times. Hopefully setting up hotels, flights, car/shuttles, etc. isn't too complicated. All of this hoop jumping has to be worth seeing the top-dog in the hip scope world, right?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Dance!

So, yesterday I got the authorization approved for my surgery. My insurance company has approved hip arthrscopy, femoral chondroplasty, acetabular chondroplasty, labral repair, and labral reconstruction, microfracture if needed. I am utterly thrilled! In fact, I did a happy dance which included some jumping around when I heard of the news. Of course, this was all done on one leg since I can't do that sort of thing anymore. In any case, I am absolutely thrilled!!!!!!!!!!!!!

woot, woot!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Long Day Ahead of Me

Well, today I have to be on my feet from 9:00 am until midnight. Literally, I am sitting on my recliner wondering how I am going to do it. I fear I won't be able to do it since I am already quite sore. I suppose if there is a will there is a way. And I'll find a way to get through this. I just hope I can walk by the end of it. I'll sit when I can and rest when I can, but goodness it is daunting sitting here thinking about it when I know it isn't going to be fun.

Ah well, such is life. Less than 2 months left of this though :)

Friday, November 4, 2011


Dear my lovely insurance company,

Please, please, please, PLEASE approve authorization for my upcoming surgery. Please! I really need to have my labrum reconstructed so that I can get on with life and finish this final hip chapter.

Yours truly,
Desperate hip patient

Hahaha, in all seriousness though, I have had Dr. P's office submit my authorization for my labral reconstruction. We are anticipating them denying it initially and then we will have to file an appeal and hopefully get coverage. The ability of me to have the surgery is totally dependent upon getting it covered since, to self-pay, it would cost tens of thousands of dollars up front! And I don't have access to that kind of money. I am stressing about this a bit since I really need the surgery, I just need it covered. Sigh.

On a lighter note, my hip pain definitely has decreased since getting the injection. It still hurts and isn't great, but a bit more manageable than before :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Happy Place

The steroid injection is actually kicking in and I feel a little bit better; the edge is off the pain. I had a rough steroid flare-up but it guess it is worth it to get some relief. Hopefully this lasts me a little while yet. I wouldn't mind if it lasted until my surgery date.

It is funny how your mind can play tricks on the body though. I've been pretty sore as of late, and am completely convinced that I need surgery. Then, the steroid kicks in, and I think to myself "well, it's not that bad." Wouldn't it be great if steroid injections were permanent deals? If that was the surgery for me!!!

We are going to be submitting pre-authorization to my insurance in 2 weeks time. My insurance company has been known to give problems to those who are in my situation (repeated surgeries and now needs a reconstruction). But, people have got it covered and I have proof that I have exhausted all conservative measures. Let's pray that I can get it covered because if they deny my case, I can't get my surgery done because it would cost $35,000 up front payment! eek.

Let's start the praying!!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Surgery Date

Today I got an email from Dr. P's surgery scheduler with a surgery date for Jan. 5th. I am freakishly excited to finally get a date. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. So the plan is that I have an appointment on Jan. 4th for pre-op evaluation, some imaging, and a meeting with Dr. P and then the next day is the big day. The first day of my repaired hip and the first day towards working for a pain-free (or at least functional hip). It makes my stomach flip that I have to wait 8.5 weeks, that is only a little over 2 months of living with my hip before I get fixed. Woot, Woot!

I had my steroid injection yesterday. I feel pretty crappy today. Kinda like the post-op pain which isn't fun but I'll deal with it and hopefully feel better in a day or two. I am thankful that it is the weekend though! :)

All in all, I am thrilled to get fixed in 8.5 weeks! yayaya.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Injection #5 (and that's it forever!)

Today I had my final injection into my forever! lol (I certainly hope this is the case). I had it done by one of the radiologists with whom I had worked during my Radiology rotation. Very awkward. Not to mention some of my fellow medical students came in the room too. They politely asked if they could stay and I had no problem with them being there since tonnes of people have seen my hip/butt over the last five years.

The injection was rather rough (as I had expected since A) it isn't fun getting the joint poked and B) I've seen how the radiologist works....roughly to say the least) But, after he injected the steroid and the anesthetic I got 7 glorious hours of relief. I could flex past 90* and internally rotate. I could hop on one foot and walk without a limp. It was great. I threatened the doctor that I would go do some kick-boxing.

The hip is slowly getting more sore now. Which is to be expected. I just hope I don't have a steroid flare. Also, I found out that I have a hyperemic hip! I haven't heard of hyperemic joints before so I need to do some research on it. But he had a difficult time getting into the joint space since he kept placing the needle vascularly (and I had a tonne of vessels around the hip....many more than normal).

Yesterday I was able to see yet another ortho surgeon so that he could write me a script for this stupid steroid injection. He was so nice. I really liked him. And, he paid my co-pay for me! Imagine that! Usually the doctors don't do that type of thing. I'll promise to pay it forward when I am the doctor treating a medical student. Also, he gave me Tramadol for the pain. I have yet to take one since I want to see how the injection relief (if any) goes.

Fingers crossed I can walk tomorrow! (since I can feel my hip pain increasing exponentially each passing hour).

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I Wish Upon A Star

If I had one wish right now, I wish that I could pack my bags up and head to Vail to get my hip fixed. I am truly ready to get it fixed so that I don't have to deal with the pain. See, life doesn't stop but my hip wants me to stop. I throb all day long, and every step I take I hurt. It is exhausting.

I am still waiting for a surgery date. I placed a well-though-out email to Dr. P's surgical coordinator the other day and am giving some time to hear back. It was basically begging for surgery prior to Christmas.

Last night was not a good night because I thought that I could get away from taking both my muscle relaxant and my narcotic. I was sick of taking pain meds....bad idea...I woke up once from a muscle spasm in my hip (at least that is what I chalked it up to) and then I had a nightmare about my hip surgery. Needless to say....I just took a tylenol#3 and am headed off to bed now. Here's hoping to a restful nights sleep.

Let's keep praying about getting a surgery date in the near future (that is before Christmas)!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Plan of Attack

So I am definitely going ahead with surgery as soon as I can get a date with Dr. P. Seriously, it is so hard to get a surgery date in such a short period of time since he typically books up 6 months in advance...and I am trying to get in prior to Christmas. Ha, sounds almost impossible. But, in all fairness, it was not my idea to get in sooner than the several months, but rather his surgery scheduler!

My school is being very cooperative as well as the hospital at which I am currently working. They are all going to work with me and reschedule things as soon as I get a surgery date. Now, this is my plan...get a surgery date ASAP. She is currently checking into early November.

As of now, my plan of attack is to get all of the information into the surgery scheduler this week so that she has all of the paperwork necessary for the appeal with my insurance company denies my pre-authorization for the surgery. As well, I am going to further explain my scheduling issue with my school and hospital and basically beg for a date (in a nice way though!) Then I plan on emailing her twice a week to ensure that I have not missed out on a potential cancellation. Maybe if I keep reminding her who I am and that I seriously want a surgery date since my medical school graduation depends on me being able to schedule the surgery prior to Christmas, perhaps she'll be able to swing something. She had mentioned this to me and it was not my original idea, but I am going to try to make it work.

It makes my stomach tighten to think that I could get surgery in a matter of several weeks! Getting rid of this immensely sore hip and be on my way to recovery is just totally, and utterly exciting!!!!!

There must be many prayers that somebody cancels or she adds me onto the schedule :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011


So I spoke with one of Dr. P's fellows the other day and he said that having a graft from my IT made into a new labrum is my only option at this point. So, I definitely need surgery. He also said that the longer I wait to get the surgery the greater chances of developing arthritis and the greater chance I'd need microfracture (although needing microfracture is a definite possibility at the moment since it appears that some cartilage was removed in prior surgeries).

I am now debating on whether I should take time off from school and get my hip all fixed up. I seriously don't know how I could do 13-14 hour days on my feet at the moment. I can barely get thru 8 hour days. :( I think that I might just schedule surgery for as soon as I can and then see how my school can accommodate me. There is no need to struggle through life.

When I talk to anybody about this everybody tells me that I should get my hip fixed and then school will work out. If I have to take a year off it may be the best thing that could happen to me. In theory it sounds good but to actually go ahead and do it, and when it is happening to you, it is a major decision.

I kinda had a meltdown on Friday/Saturday about the whole deal. I even cried at PT yesterday. I just don't know what to do and what to think. I am so good at not complaining about my hip and when somebody says that you need surgery sooner rather than later and it really doesn't fit into life how the heck am I supposed to react?

I hope my school can accommodate me and perhaps give me a month of some sort of journal reviewing or research. But I haven't ever heard of anybody doing it before. I know that I can't be a doctor if I can't be on my feet. The thing that worries me is that I'll be in so much pain during a busy rotation that I'll be miserable and hate it when, if I had a decent hip, I would love it and want to do that particular type of medicine for the rest of my career. It really scares me. And I don't know how things are going to shake down.

At the moment, I am trying to gather all of my PT notes on my left hip, organize a steroid injection to submit to the doctor's office so that they can send it into my insurance company to get approval for the surgery. Why do things have to happen so quickly? I think that I always knew that I'd need surgery and figured I might not be able to do my rotations, but it doesn't make this situation any easier at the moment.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Clavicle My Butt

So last night I was getting up off the couch and all of a sudden I couldn't move my arm. I am pretty sure that I dislocated my clavicle or something since my entire collar bone is so sore that it hurts to palpate on both proximal and distal ends. Freaky! I know my shoulders are very, very loose, but man, I hate this additional pain. I have done this before, but it is making both my upper and lower body feel miserable. I feel like I ache all over.

I swear I have to be hypermobile or something. When I pay attention to my joints and their ROM they area all able to hyperextend and are significantly 'loose' (except for my hips which have such decreased ROM from my problems that they don't count). Heck, I can hold my hands together and voluntarily dislocate my shoulders and elbows so that I bring my hands around from the back to the front without letting go of my hands. I don't think that that is normal. Perhaps it is the same reason I dislocated my clavicle? Ugh.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

MY Head is spinnnnnnning :S

So Dr. P's office got back to me today and they said that due to my situation they would consider adding me on to the operating schedule some time after Thanksgiving. Which leaves me trying to make this work with my school and insurance.

If I am to make this happen I need to:
  • Get steroid injection into hip
  • Get all PT notes
  • Get all PMNR notes
  • Organize my school
  • Get insurance organized
  • Get my Mum's work to approve her leaving to come to Vail with me
  • Book flights, hotel, car, etc. to survive in Vail for a week
Eeek. I feel like this actually might happen waaaaaaay sooner than I had anticipated (ie July 2012) Which will make my life so much easier so that I don't have to be in constant pain 24/7.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Just Keep Swimming, Swimming, Swimming

Which is what I have to tell myself every day.....just keep swimming. Or rather, just keep limping. I am on my feet for 8 - 10 hours a day and I am just barely making it through. I sit when I can and take the elevator instead of stairs to get to the different floors of the hospital but still, by the end of the day, I hurt.

Last night in bed I was almost crying. I wonder how long I can do this. It is seriously taking some digging deep to keep on a-truckin' Phew. But, I will do my very best to get through to the summer before I get my surgery (unless the surgeon doesn't think that I should be living on my hip until then....which I highly doubt, but part of me wants him to say it since that means that I might not have to live with this chronic pain for such a long time).

5 years + I've been dealing with this and can't wait to get the reconstruction and move on with life. I sent my 15 pages to Dr. P's office today and am still waiting for the surgical coordinator to get back to me with answers regarding the urgency of my case, injection details, PT details, etc.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Labral Reconstruction Here I Come!

I got an email today from the doctor saying that a labral reconstruction is the best way to go. I may require microfracture depending on the state of the cartilage inside the hip. I have had delamination removed twice before so I wouldn't put it past my darn hip to require it. I will have to stay in Vail for one week total and will be on crutches for 4 - 8 weeks depending on what exactly is done.

Now the problem of logistical planning begins. When do I have it done? Will my insurance company pay for it? (which is probably as soon as I send Dr. P my PT notes and get another hip injection :S). How do I pay for the flights, hotel, equipement? Since I am in a crazy amount of debt the financial aspect of this whole traveling for surgery is really making me nervous. But, at this point, I'd pay all the money I own (ok, that isn't a good analogy since I am in debt, but the point still stands) to get my hip fixed and live pain-free.

Just waiting for a phone call and I can get a better idea of how I can fit this into my life and how this is going to shake down. But....there is still hope for my hips!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I May Be Able To Be Fixed !!!

I got a call from Dr. P's office a couple of days ago stating that he had reviewed my case and based on his judgement (although not clinical at the moment), he believes that I qualify for his treatment. Which means I may be able to be fixed! I am trying to not get too excited over this since I have had two previous surgeons tell me that they could fix my hip. But, Dr. P is a big-wig and hopefully can help my hip.

As it stands now, I have to fill out 15 pages and fax it to his office then I will get a call within 24 hours from his office and I will discuss my treatment plan with somebody from his office. Heaven for bid I'd be able to actually speak with him. But, as long as I can figure out what needs to be done, I suppose this will suffice.

I am quite anxious that he will say that I should get fixed sooner rather than later in order to increase the chances of a successful surgery. I only say this since I had read a study by him a while back where he noted that the sooner the person has the reconstruction, the better the outcome. If this is the case I would certainly have to get it done asap since I really want this hip to be fixed. But, perhaps I'll be able to hold out to next summer or something. Ideally, I'd love to finish up my schooling (which ends in 2 years), but at this point I really don't think that I could handle being on my feet for the next two years in this state. I am only 11 weeks post-op and figure that I will still heal some more at this point, but the groin pain is still quite significant at the moment.

I should have a verdict at the beginning of this upcoming week and will def post when I get the news. eep!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Reading Old Posts

I had previously kept a blog that chronicled my first hip scope. I was flipping through it to see how I felt at the 9 week mark for my first scope on the right side. Although I couldn't find the exact post I got reading and it made me very sad. I was so positive and hopeful that my one surgery was going to be it for me and my hip troubles. When my left hip started hurting I read about me complaining about the possibility of having another hip scope. If I ever knew that I'd need two more scopes and then a reconstruction I probably would have died. I suppose that is why we are unable to see the future.

I am really going through a rough time right now. I hurt so much. Every step I take, my hip and back hurts. My back even hurts when I breathe while I am lying in bed. I just feel like everything from my bellybutton to my knees is inflamed and hurts. I hate to continuously having to take medication, but I really can't function without taking something.

I have to apologize for this blog turning into a sob story each time I post. I really am not a depressing type of person, but I have to have an outlet for my feelings. I don't feel like I can complain to anybody but my Mum...and even she can only listen to so much complaining. Currently my Dad is dealing with a sore knee and he complains non-stop about it. This makes me want to share even less with the people around me. I hate complaining but I suppose complaining anonymously on the Internet is a safer outlet at the moment. It isn't that I don't have support in my life, I just can't complain 24/7 about my throbbing hip and back.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Post Op 9 Weeks and Survived First 55 Hr Week

So I am now a couple of days past my 9 week post op date and officially survived my first 55 hour week at the hospital. It was not easy to say the least and now that is the weekend I am so thrilled to be off my feet and lounging around. I definitely know by my pain levels that my hip is not right, but I hope that I can suck it up. Right now I am taking 1g of Tylenol three times a day (and add in some codeine at night to help sleep).

My physiotherapy has stopped progressing since I am so tired and sore that I can't do my exercises after I get home from the hospital and my ROM is still very stiff and sore. I can bend to about 90* of flexion and no internal rotation. I think that the physio is still helping me maintain what motion I do have, but it is just not progressing as I would wish.

My SI joint/lower lumbar area is so incredibly sore that it hurts to lie down and breathe. I am slightly worried about this since it hurts so much. It makes me grumpy! :( I really is difficult to stay positive when your body is rebelling against the mind. I am struggling with this at the moment. I think that the majority of the problem is that I am not really getting that much better and this past surgery has just exacerbated my pain levels. In hindsight, I would have never gone with an attempted revision surgery, but had just gone for the reconstructive surgery to begin. But hindsight is 20/20 and thinking this way just adds unnecessary stress to the stress of dealing with chronic pain and trying to get life back up and running after surgery.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Bad Hip Day

Today my hip took some great challenges.

Firstly, I fell down the stairs by missing the last step and landed smack on my left hip. It scared me more than anything. I basically fell right on my pooch of swelling so I don't think it did much damage, just a bit tender now.

Secondly, I was talking at my grandparents' house and I wasn't thinking and tried to cross my legs when I got shooting pain in the hip. Ouch again!

Thirdly, I was standing with most of my weight on my right side and my brother tried to squeeze in front of me and accidentally kicked my foot which put my hip into sudden internal rotation. Yet again...ouchie!

Well, off to bed now since I have to get up at 5:30 AM because I start clinical rotations tomorrow. Hip ready or not, here we come!!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Am I doing the right thing?

So today Dr. Philippon's office called and he wanted me to fill out a questionnaire about my hip history. It was quite extensive and very thorough. I understand that he screens patients and his secretary will be in contact with me later on this week after he goes through my chart and reviews my case to see if he is able to help me.

Being that this is finally coming to light, I hope that I am doing the right thing. I mean, yes my hip does still hurt but I am 9 weeks after surgery, but maybe I should still hurt this much (although my surgeon did not think so). Maybe I should be more confident that it will get better than I am now! Maybe my previous surgeon was just over-reacting and I may not need surgery. I just feel like I am seeking surgery after surgery. Yes I do hurt, but should I just be able to suck it up? How much pain does the average person have on a day to day basis? I realise that my labrum is partially gone and it won't come back but maybe I am over-reacting and should just suck it up and go on with life. Forget the darn hips. Stop them ruling my life. If I end up getting surgery done by Dr. Philippon it will be a great burden financially on myself (and my parents assuming that they will help pay for some of the bills) as well as emotionally for everybody involved. It literally makes my stomach churn to think of another surgery. I could cry.

Sorry this is so random, but after starting up the paperwork for the new OS, I really feel like I am opening a bag of worms. My greatest fear is that he'll say that the success of the surgery will be greater if I have it done sooner rather than later. Sigh, I don't want to borrow trouble but each time I fear something along my hip adventure so far, it has come true. I had a bad feeling after the second last surgery that it didn't work; I knew deep down I would be needing revision surgery; and it happened. Then, when I spoke with my current OS I knew he'd want to operate and try to fix it; and it happened. And now, I am afraid that I'll have to take a prolonged leave from school and have yet another surgery. Maybe, and I hope with all my heart, that I am wrong about my gut feeling and I'll be able to get through these next two years with my hip in the current state that it is.

I really, really just want this hip saga out of my life and be able to concentrate on my career, friends, etc. I hate this so freakin' much.

Basically it comes down I doing the right thing? Am I borrowing more pain and trouble by seeking this surgeon's help?

I feel like I've been sucked into a world of surgery and hips.

I am so confused.

I want to be normal.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Cool Labour Day

Today is Labour Day here and we are all enjoying our time off from work. Well, my whole family is but I am doing the same thing that I have been doing for the past 2+ months. But still, it is nice to have the family home.

I have only one more week of my medical leave left before I start back full time. I am slightly hesitant about returning since I am still in pain. But, I can't keep taking time off and I need to return to some normalcy. I just pray I can handle it all. In fact, I will handle being out on clinical rotations with my current state since I don't have an option. Things would have to get really bad before I'd stop and get the surgery ASAP.

I still have yet to hear from Dr. Philippon regarding my case. It was apparently sent to him more than a month ago so I expect to hear from him in the near future. I hope that he says that he can help me and that it is not so bad that I can wait to have the surgery done in two years. I will definitely be waiting on pins and needles until I hear from him.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Second Post Today

I don't normally post twice in a day but I had to vent.  I just had PT today and I leave there feeling frustrated and annoyed.  I am doing everything I am supposed to do and go to see him three times a week and I feel like I should be progressing more.  Plus my sessions really hurt!  He keeps asking me how I feel and he knows I hurt but keeps pushing me which is good because I need my limits pushed but it is seriously frustrating how much I can't do.  Flexion! Flexion past 90* is just not an option.

After today's PT session I seriously need a day off.  My SI joint on the right hurts as much as my hip at the moment.  I felt bad because every time he'd place me into a position to help one thing another part of my body hurt.  To fix my left hip he would hurt my SI joint and to help my SI joint, he would hurt my other hip because I can't lie on my right side due to my previous incision from an arthrotomy during a previous surgery on the right.

Hips suck.

8 Weeks Post-Op

Yuppers, it has been 2 months since my left hip scope.  I don't know if I should be happy or frustrated.  I suppose I am entitled to be both simultaneously.  I seem to be having a difficult time with this recovery since I didn't get any relief at all from my surgery and now I am rehabbing so that I can re-gain what I have lost from going under the knife, only to do this all again in the future (hopefully in two years time!)

As of now though, I would say that I have constant groin pain at 2/10 and is worse at night.  Sometimes I need the help of a narcotic to help the throbbing to subside so that I can sleep.  Just these last few days though, my gait has improve substantially and I can walk with almost no limp!  Yay!  I have been going to PT three times a week and it has helped with my core strength, ROM, and wakening up certain muscles.  My psoas is being difficult but I am working on it each day.  

As far as ROM goes, I have excellent aBduction and extension, good aDduction and external rotation, and sucky flexion (almost 90*) and zero internal rotation.  Hopefully as the joint inflammation decreases and the hip muscles start to relax and guard less, I'll be able to gain more motion.  

One thing that I have been dealing with since I've started all of my exercises is great SI joint pain.  More so on the right than the left.  My PT found mild SI instability and figures that it may be an inflamed SI ligament.  All I can say is that I need this to settle down too since it is causing a significant amount of pain.  It is more acute pain than the dull, achy, chronic groin pain that I always have.  Hopefully that this settles down in the very near future since I start working again in a week and a half.  eek!

I really hope with all my heart that I can rehab enough to allow me to get through these next two years before I need the reconstruction done because I would hate to have to take a year off from school.  This is weighing really heavily on me at the moment because I really don't know how my body will handle being on my feet all day long in the hospital.  And when I talk about it to my family they all say that they know I can do it and get through.  But when I talk to my friends they say they don't want me doing too much and worry that I am going to be in pain and not be able to do my job.  I certainly hope that my family is right.  It is hard because the future is unknown and I've put so much hard work into medical school that it would be a shame to have to take time off just because of my hip.  Wouldn't it be great if we could disconnect our brain from our bodies?  Perhaps I'll sever my spinothalamic tract?  Or ask for a sensory epidural? hahaha.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pain Meds and Drug Tests

So sometimes I still need the odd narcotic at night and I absolutely refuse to take oxycodone since it makes me anxious when it wears off so I decided to make an appointment with my family doctor to get some Tylenol #3. As well, I conveniently need a drug screen to be able to work at the hospital.

All of this said, I couldn't get into my family doctor so I decided to go to the clinic. Well, that doctor doesn't know me from the drug-seeking patient and he was very reluctant to prescribe me any pain pills at all. I suppose that is a good thing because doctors can't be prescribing narcotics at the drop of a hat, but I legitimately need them and it was certainly hard to get. And I only got 15 pills.

Given the fact that I take narcotics and need a drug test could cause some problems as well since I will definitely be positive. I have to call the hospital today to clarify this issue. It isn't like I am sitting around on vacation taking narcotics, but rather, I am on medical leave which may help them be a little more lenient and give me a bit of time before I have to pass the drug screen.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Small Gains

So it is the little gains that really help you to realize that things are improving. For me, I have now gained some extension in gait! Also, I can now go up and down stairs with one foot on each step. That is a great accomplishment and makes me happy that I don't go up and down the stairs so slowly now.

Furthermore, I have slept for the last 4 nights in a row! Only two of them have been augmented with pain killers. In any event, it is still great to finally feel human. Before these past few days I hadn't slept well in about 6 days. I could sleep a little but I had a terrible time falling asleep due to pain and if I took oxycodone, I'd fall asleep but wake up all anxious and wouldn't sleep the rest of the night. Needless to say, restful sleep is much appreciated.

I am certainly going to make an appointment with my family physician to get some Tylenol #3 to help me when I start working in two weeks. As well, I need to get a 10 or 9 panel drug screen to be able to work in the hospital.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dry Run

Today I had a PT session and then I did a dry run to the hospital in which I will be working the next year. I drove all the way there, went out to lunch, went to the hospital, and then looked for iPhones at two stores at a mall and drove back home.

This landed me on bed with a heading pad taking Tylenol #3 with codeine.

I have a long way to come to be able to put in a full day at the hospital in two weeks. eep.

Having said all this though, I have gained some extension which makes walking a lot easier! woot.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

7 Weeks Post-Op

Today marks the 7 weeks date since I have had my surgery. I can hardly believe that it has been almost two months! I really wish that I could say that things are going smoothly and I was happy I had the surgery, but I can't do that. I still have more groin pain than I did before surgery and my muscles are so weak and sore all of the time that the compensatory pattern really does a deal on my gait (and back pain). I wish I could also say that I am advancing and making gains. But, I am so thankful that I have PT on a regular basis now since I felt like I was just sitting around stiffening up for the last 6 weeks. I need this to help me recover.

The thing that bothers me the most is the nighttime pain. I haven't had a decent night's sleep in 6 days. It really makes me feel miserable and crabby. I think that it is a combination of inactivity (not doing enough to make me tired) and pain. I have significant groin pain that throbs and prevents me from finding a comfy position in which to sleep. I have tried everything and last night I was tired of throbbing so I took an oxycodone. It took my pain away within 35 minutes and it was much appreciated! Although my sleep wasn't natural sleep last night, it was good to not lie there throbbing. I really hate to take such heavy drugs, but if I will help the pain, I suppose I should break down and take them. Gosh, I hate that this hip is still acting like this. Hopefully I will turn a corner soon and start to get some progress.

So sorry for the rant. I believe that makes two negative posts in a row. Perhaps I'll have better news in the near future with me doing PT.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

When PT Starts

Yesterday I had my first PT session. And I think that I'll stay with this guy for the remainder of my rehabilitation; 3 months and counting!

As of now I have very limited ROM and a very inflamed/stiff hip. I can't flex to 90* without groin pain, I have 0* of internal rotation, 30*of external rotation, and 0* of extension. It will be interesting to see how I am able to increase the motion as I progress through the PT protocol.

Also yesterday my brother sent me a balloon and a package of chocolate covered fruit (strawberries, apples, and oranges) to brighten my day! He is too sweet and thoughtful and really made me smile. He's so cute, I went to his place for a family BBQ this past weekend and I wasn't feeling great and he noticed that so he sent something to make me feel better. He did the same thing after my first surgery with flowers. What a great brother! I miss our shenanigans when we went to undergrad together!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Must. Take. It. Easy.

Seriously, I have to take my own advice and take it easy. This past week and a half has been incredibly busy and now I am paying for it and feel like I have gone three weeks backward. To summarize what I have done this past two weeks is: traveled to Niagara Falls, walked around there for a good 8 hours on crutches, drove back home, drove to school (11 hours drive), hung out with friends, drove to neighbouring cities to do things, drove another 4 hour (one way) to visit my brother. Needless to say, way too much sitting and standing makes for an unhappy hip.

This is fairly foolish of myself since my hip and I are standing on thin ice as it is but, I had figured that I have to live and after 5.5 weeks of lying around doing nothing I was up for the challenge. Now, I am paying for my lack of self control in limiting my activities. Seriously, I should have known better.

I am 6 weeks and 5 days post op today and here is an idea of the things I can and cannot do:

Can do:
shower and have a bath
walk unaided
not take any narcotics at all (day or night)
go up and down stairs unaided
wear normal shorts
dress myself (some modifications necessary still)
shave my legs (again modifications necessary)

Can't do:
put socks and shoes
bend past 90*
make it through the day without a medication (Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Muscle relaxants)
walk without a limp
bend over at all
do stairs one at a time
paint toe nails
walk more than a block
make it through one minute without thinking of my hip
move in bed without waking up

As far as pain levels go, I think that I am still worse than before my surgery. Not only do I have the nagging groin pain still (2/10 on a pain scale) but I also have the muscular pain (and spasms) that go along with having surgery. Plus, my hip feels inflamed and I am still very swollen (I have developed a pooch of swelling on my butt/hip area that looks like a half of a baseball has been placed under the skin)....lovely. Also, the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve was moved during surgery so it has lead to a patch of hypersensitivity on my lateral thigh.

I apologize for being so negative, but I have not found any improvement at all and am hoping that this surgery was not all for not. I realize that I have to have another surgery to really get fixed, but it is hard to keep a positive attitude towards recovery when you aren't expecting a full recovery. After putting that into words, I really realize how negative I sound. Man! But, there IS a chance that this surgery could help my pain levels. I guess I'll have to pour my energy into rehabbing properly so that I can make the most out of my current hip situation. The PT quest begins today at 3pm :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

When it rains it pours.

So this has been one of the hardest weeks in my life. All within 3 days I:

a) had to leave my friends at school who I will not see for a year because I am doing my clinicals far away from my school
b) was given the news that I will need another hip surgery
c) my boyfriend broke up with me.

Not only do I have a broken hip; I have a broken heart.

I think that I'l go soak in the bath for a while.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Will this ever end?

Warning, vent may proceed.

Seriously, my hips are trying to make my life more and more difficult. It is exhausting to always be thinking and worrying how much pain I will be in and if the surgeries I have had will help alleviate the pain enough to function. Sigh.

Yesterday I had my 6 week follow-up with my orthopaedic surgeon and it went exactly how I feared. By now I should have had some pain relief and I do not :( So, my files are getting sent to Dr. Philippon to see if I am a candidate for labral reconstruction using my IT band. The OS was great and fully explained everything in detail and answered all of my questions. This was a stark contrast to his PA who I originally had in the appointment. Initially the PA came in and asked how my pain levels were and how I felt, I told him and he replied that it was normal for 2 weeks post-op. I quickly told him that I was 6 weeks post-op. He proceeded to say that it was normal to be stiff and we could start PT and see him in 6 weeks and, that was it! I was stunned. I explained how my surgery went and that the pain levels at the 6 week mark would be an indicator of whether or not I need reconstructive surgery, etc., etc. To which he replied that he would get the surgeon for me to meet. Seriously, I traveled all the way back to school (11 hours drive) to have this appointment and I wasn't even going to see the surgeon; I think not! It ended up that my surgeon spent about 20 minutes with me explaining the pictures from surgery, the next options, the future of my hip, etc.

So, as it stands, I am going to need reconstructive surgery. I am going to try and suck it up and get it done in two years time after I am at the end of medical school and before residency. But, if this past surgery didn't alleviate any of the pain and I can't stand long enough to do well on my rotations in the hospital, I will have to get it done sooner and take a year off from school. At this point I am sick and tired of having sore hips. So I am currently waiting to hear back from Dr. Philippon and I suppose we will go from there. I HATE HIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Pumped For Some Action In Life!

It is official, I am so over this lying-around-doing-nothing deal. Phew. It feels like it drags on forever and ever, yet goes so quickly. I am now almost 5 weeks post op and am looking forward to moving on, out of the hip brace, and hopefully cleared to start physiotherapy after my OS appointment early next week.

I have found a physiotherapy clinic right near my house which has a physiotherapist that has worked with people with hip scopes and even has office hours on Saturdays. Having Saturday appointments is essential, especially when I get back to working in the hospitals since my hours will be unpredictable and am more likely to have a Saturday or two off which will help me get my appointments in. The only downfall is that I am going to be paying out of pocket since I have health insurance in the States and not in Canada. $40 a pop! But, worth it if it will help me recover. And, it can't be worse than the last physiotherapist I saw for my previous two surgeries: $45 each visit, 25 minute drive, to see the physiotherapist for ~8 minutes - not cool.

I already know that I have three months of physiotherapy if I follow my OS protocol (which I intend on doing to a T). But that brings me into a very busy rotation and I seriously wonder how I will fit it in whilst putting in 12 hour+ days at some points. But, health is important I will make it work.

On a happier note my boyfriend is coming into town this evening and we are going to have a fun filled weekend full of friends. I think that we might even go and see Niagara Falls! I'll probably have to crutch around since I am only just managing to gimp around without crutches inside the house for the last three days and I don't want to over-do things. But it will be great to get out of the house and do something fun. We then are going to road-trip it back to where I went to school where I'll see friends there and have my follow-up since my OS is affiliated with my medical school. The 11 hour drive will stink since I'll probably get stiff, but I am totally looking forward to hanging out and doing fun things.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Blessings - Laura Story

So going through health issues and surgery after surgery, year after year, it can be difficult to live with a healthy positive attitude. I don't know how many people who have hip problems actually read this, but I thought that for any of you fellow hip patients out there, or anybody for that matter, who is in need of an extra boost of wholesome goodness and inspiration, you should watch this video.

Good things come out of every experience no matter how hard they seem. Keep on keeping on! You all are in my prayers! xx

Monday, August 8, 2011

Look Ma, No Crutches!!

Today marked the first day I didn't even touch a crutch! woot, woot!

I made it all day without using even one! I have a lovely Trendelenburg lurch, but I think this stems from my inability to extend my hip at all. I hope that physiotherapy can fix this.

I also drove down the street to visit my grandparents. It was just fine driving too.

Also, last night was my first night in a week that I actually got a decent night's sleep too

Sunday, August 7, 2011


4 Days Post-Op

1 Week Post-Op

2 Weeks Post-Op
(the day I got my stitches out)

4 Weeks Post-Op

Overall the incisions are healing great! I am really pleased with them. They are bigger than my previous scope sites and the sutures where not placed as tightly as previously so my scars are going to be bigger, but that just means that they are going to show more; gotta <3 your battle wounds :)

Today both my brothers were home and I went to the pool with them. It was great fun! Although I couldn't go into the pool, I stood on the steps and got all cooled off. It was inevitable that I was going to be splashed by my two younger brothers. We joked that I was going to be squeaking like the Tin-man when I go back for my follow-up because I will have rusted up. LOL

Thursday, August 4, 2011

4 Weeks Post Op

Today marks the one month post-op date. Wohoo! Actually, I can hardly believe that it has been a month. It seems to have gone by so quickly, yet, at the same time, so slowly. I am fairly impatient now but things seem to be improving. Slowly but surely.

I can now walk unaided for about half a day but then I have to resort to using one crutch. My gait is by no means normal looking at all (I have posted a video of my walking to document my increasing ability to walk more an more normal). The hip sometimes catches and when I sit down (most of the time) I feel it clunk down and crack which, in turn, alleviates some of the pain. Very odd, but I am assuming that it is just the hip healing away. Although I will run this by my OS when I see him in a couple of weeks. I can do almost everything myself, except for putting on underwear and shorts because I can't bend that far in the brace. I still have trouble sleeping but after a couple nights of bad sleeping I end up getting a good one in that will last me a few days. I think it is a matter of being able to relax. I have groin pain still and am severely guarding the hip which makes it difficult to sleep. I don't take any pain meds anymore, just my prescribed Ibuprofen.

Overall, I am far behind my previous recoveries, but this was a repair and not a debridement, and I was much longer on crutches. I think that having the revision really makes the recovery longer as well. I have my fingers crossed that this is all worth it!

I really have to stop thinking about the worst though; it is making me stressed. Yesterday I stumbled across a blog about a lady who had a labral repair and the OS found that her labrum could not be repaired and he just took part of her IT band and rebuilt it right then and there. Gosh, I wish I could have had her surgeon doing my surgery! Then I would for sure be out of the woods for further surgery. Don't get me wrong, I really trust my OS and really think he knows his stuff but he doesn't know how to do the reconstruction and he wasn't going to make me his first. So, I live on the fence until I have my appointment with him on August 16th.

Anywho, another week down and several more to go. I start up working on Sept. 12th, which gives me plenty of time to get doing physiotherapy (once cleared from my OS) and have the hip settle down enough to function on my feet all day.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Walkered-it-up Today :)

My grandparents live about 7 doors down from my parents house so I decided to take a 'walk' and I used the walker I borrowed and took it all the way down the street. Although only 7 doors down, it felt great to walk outside. I could walk better with the walker than using the one crutch; it didn't hurt my back at all and I could feel the hip capsule stretch. Overall, I was pleased. :)

It probably looked ridiculous: a young chick hobbling down the street using a walker in a hip brace. But I don't care, it worked and felt great!

Scope Pictures

I totally forgot to post some pictures that my surgeon took whilst inside my hip. He took three pages of them and gave them to me. Pretty amazing! Last time I had to ask for copies and they just photocopied the, this time I've got them in full colour and the originals!!

I really don't know exactly what the pictures show, but I'll definitely get an explanation at my next appointment.
Not sure the details of these pictures.

The bottom two pictures show the 2 anchors he could get in,
and in between the anchors is the mush of a labrum (?)

I think the top row show the bone that was wrongly r
emoved by my previous surgeon

Bone removal in the second row (?)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Had a Bad Day

I am proud to say that I have not gone into self-pitty mode once since I have had my surgery. Yes, thre have been times that I feel like crying but a pitty-party does nobody good. I preface this post by mentioning this because I am afraid that this post might sound a bit more negative than I had originally anticipated.

Today is the first day back for my fellow medical student friends. I wish that I could be wearing my short white coat and following around doctors and learning medicine. Instead, I am lying on the couch with heating pad on my back to control my back spasms, frozen peas on my hip, all the while wearing a bulky hip brace. Pretty ideal...not! I don't know why this is so hard for me today. I've been dealing with hip issues for going on 6 years now, you would think that I'd be used to sitting out on things; it never gets easier.

Last night I slept horribly and flipped and flopped in the recliner chair so decided to flip and flop in my bed half way through the night. Neither place was conducive to sleeping. I really can't believe how much pain I am in still (being almost a month post op) plus my walking off of crutches doesn't seem to be improving. Hopefully it will get better very quickly. I haven't taken any oxycodone in two days but this evening before bed I will have to take some because it is a bit much.

To add on top of things, the support group Hip Chicks has gone to a pay-only access which means that I have to pay a fee to be a part of the group. I really loved the support I attained there, but I am not in a position to pay for 'extras' and the website group would be an 'extra' so, I have lost those connections. I suppose I could pay for it, but I am so in debt from school that I vowed to not spend any money on 'extra' things that I don't really need. I suppose if I find myself in a hip predicament in the future and need some support and some questions answered, I may rethink things, but for now, that is not the case. I did believe that I could still read the website and just not post but it seems like to even browse the website I have to pay. :(

I hope that I am on track to healing, it just seems so slow at the moment and I hurt right now. I totally wish that I didn't have to deal with all of this pain. I can't imagine others with more major surgeries. Phew. I know my hip was in kinda bad shape, but I only had a hip scope and I still feel crappy. I generally think that I have a high pain tolerance (being a former national athlete I know how to deal with pain) but man, this stinks. My heart goes out to those with major, major hip surgeries!

Hopefully I'll be less blue tomorrow, again, I apologize for the depressing nature of the post, but I needed to vent some. Thanks!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

24 Days Post Op and NO MORE NARCS!

Last night was the first night that I didn't need to take my oxycodone to sleep. I was so darn tired from trying to walk. It is great to stop them. I assume that my evenings of taking the heavy duty meds are not done since I tend to over-do things. But, I'll take nothing as long as I can. Wahoo!!!!!!

I am still trying to get off these crutches. I can walk but it hurts my butt and my groin hurts when I stand on it. I can deal with the butt hurting because I assume that is from muscle weakness, but the groin pain....well, that makes me a bit worried since groin pain is what I had before my surgery and we are not very sure how successful this surgery will be. I have a gut feeling that my surgeon will want to send my file/images to Dr. Phillippon to review since I basically have a chunk missing of my labrum and I kinda need a labrum in my hip. But, I really think that this recent surgery has helped a little (at the very least) since I found myself accidentally internally rotating slightly; which is something that I haven't done in over two years! So, that is hopeful. I'll have my fingers and toes crossed until I hear the words directly from my surgeon that my hip will be good enough to live on without surgery. I hope that I won't be crossing them for much longer than the next two weeks!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

And then she stood and (kinda) walked

Today, 3 weeks post op I:

....removed picture..sorry!


...removed movie...sorry!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

3 weeks (tomorrow)

Tomorrow marks the three week mark and also the time at which I can begin to weight bear. We won't tell anybody that I actually started today because I was really excited to try out my strength and (hopefully) fixed hip. One day early won't hurt anybody, right? :)

I tried to stand but my little quads won't hold me up. Honestly, my thigh is smaller than my knee! It looks really disgusting, but me walking will really help improve my strength. Give me a week and I'll be off them completely! Also, to aid in my learning how to walk again, I have borrowed a walker from my grandparents. Gosh, that sounds like I stole my grandparents walker! But, really, they only used it when my Grampa got his hips and knee replaced; so they currently aren't using it, really! :P

Today I went to the ice rink to say hi to the kids I used to teach and my partner coaches. It was really great to see them all again. Since I've moved back home and the rink is right on my way home from the hospital at which I will be working this upcoming year, I plan on teaching some to make some gas money. They are really looking forward to having me back since I've been gone for two years for the didactic portion of medical school. I am really looking forward to starting up teaching again. That is now my goal, to be able to teach again...on skates! That could be like my working out since I won't have access to a gym during my next years in the hospitals. Going really, really makes me want to heal up so that I can go back. I absolutely love coaching skating and hope that this past surgery really does the trick so that I can!

Whilst at the rink today, all of the people looked at me and just stared; they didn't know what to say. So, I piped up and asked them how they were, multiple times different people responded: "Better than you!" Really?! That is the best that a handful of fellow coaches could come up with? Staring and saying that?! Obviously in this hip brace and on crutches it looks like a huge ordeal. I suppose that it is a big deal having surgery like this, but all the staring really didn't make me feel very good. The worse was when I saw my old coach (with whom I teach now), his jaw almost dropped to the floor when he saw me. It really made me sad to see him so stunned at what I looked like. Really, the problem is that don't like the extra attention; it drives me absolutely nuts! Just ignore it and I'll deal with it myself. It doesn't mean be mean and run me over while I am using crutches, just be courteous, and continue on with whatever you are doing. I suppose that others would want to have more, but I can't stand the attention! Blaaaaaaah :S

How do you deal with the extra attention given by others? I CAN'T STAND IT!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

17 Days Post Op certainly has been more than two weeks and yep, I wanted to post on the two week date, but I didn't get around to it. Not that I have any excuses since all I do is lie around on my butt all day; it just didn't happen.

Quickie update: my incisions look great! (I'll post pictures sometime) :) They are quite deep scars though which is mostly because the sutures were not tight and the skin filled in with a gap. No worries though, I'd really rather have more impressive battle wounds! I will have worked hard for all 7 scope scars on my left hip and four on my right. Furthermore, my previous surgeon left very, very tiny scars and this surgeon's scars are gonna be twice as large (in both length and width). Twice as large for twice as successful surgery, right? :P

The last two days have really been a struggle. I was feeling fairly good prior to the last couple of days. The only thing that I can think that has caused this flare up is the fact that I had been feeling so good that I must have over-exerted myself. It is quite sad to think that going to Wal-Mart and beelining it to the womens section, grabbing a pair of leggings (and a shirt) and then checking out ASAP could have caused this. It is absolutely incredible how weak one can get after surgery. I feel like I could sleep all of the time and by 10 o'clock in the evening I am passed out on the recliner (my favourite spot in the world)!

One thing that is puzzling me is that my leg and foot tend to go purple if I don't have it elevated on a pillow all of the time. Honestly, yesterday I took a shower (with my fantabulous chair), and by the end I was purple to the knee. I immediately put my feet up on a pillow whilst in the recliner and it was gone in half an hour or so, but still annoying. It seems like a circulation issue to me but my Mum is horrified every time she sees it. Then I reassure her that it is not a DVT and act all cool, when I really can't figure out why my foot/leg started to turn purple when not elevated at two weeks out. I could call the doctor's office to ensure that things are alright, and i will call if it continues. It is more annoying than anything else.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hip Arthroscopy Tips

  1. eat lots so that you have some 'stores' for after surgery...there should always be an excuse to eat more! LOL
  2. nighties are essential for sleeping/living in after surgery...easy on, easy off
  3. sundresses...they functioned the same as the nightie during the day but a lot cuter
  4. recliner chair...SO comfy for afterwards
  5. travel pillow for when lying in the reclining chair
  6. shower chair...I just got one for this time 'round and LOVE it! It makes things so much easier
  7. frozen peas in large plastic ziplock baggies...they form to any place you want to put them. I made up several bags since I had to ice my ankle, knee, and hip since they were all under traction
  8. stretchy, small underwear...seriously the less that touches around the hip the better
  9. laxative for the inevitable post-op constipation that comes with taking heavy duty pain killers...just make sure not to OD on these because you'll have another problem on your hands
  10. tight fitting undershirts and those tights that everybody wears (I got some just to the knees)...I can't stand the plastic brace touching my skin as it instantly sweats
  11. have friends and family over after the surgery because being laid up and alone all day does nothing to boost your spirits.
  12. write about your recovery. I have found that keeping a blog is a great way to put down feelings. It helps with the recovery process and may, in fact, help somebody in the future. (that is, if anybody reads this LOL)
  13. do absolutely anything and everything that the surgeon tells you to do :)

Some Pictures

I thought that I needed to spice up the blog a bit so here are some pictures:


Driving home:

All bandaged and braced up:

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Heart Sank

I am having a heck of a time sleeping these days. Seriously, you would think that being on oxycodone would just wipe you out and induce deep sleep. But no! I believe that I have developed a bit of tolerance since now I don't sleep whilst on the pills; I simply lie in a half-conscious state for about five hours...not really sleeping, but not really awake. This is not a good way to spend every night from midnight until 5AM! At least I am able to sleep in in the mornings so I am not too crabby during the day.

Anywho, last night whilst waiting for the pills to make me 'relaxed' I was trying to figure out where my pain was the worst, and I noticed that it was in my groin area. Now, I initially didn't think anything of it, until I remembered that right after my first surgery (the right side) I didn't have any groin pain whatsoever. All pre-op pain was gone and it was just the surgical pain that was remaining. And for my first scope on my left side I didn't get any groin pain relief and it failed to heal!

So now that I have groin pain, it really makes me wonder how much relief I am really going to get from this surgery. The success of the surgery really depends on what portion of the labrum is causing me grief and this issue has been eating away at the back of my mind since the surgery. I am focusing on being positive and am doing everything I am supposed to post-op in order for this surgery to help. But my heart sank just a little to realize that I still have groin pain. I tried to tell myself that perhaps it is the 2 anchors he managed to get in that were causing the groin pain, and maybe that is the truth, but it is hard to suppress the fact that I may need reconstructive surgery. The thought of yet another hip surgery makes my stomach tighten as I have no idea how I would fit it into my school schedule being that I have used up my vacation/medical leave from school for the next two years. I suppose I'll deal with that if further surgery is needed. I don't want to be borrowing trouble or stress but it is just so darn hard to not be disappointed that there is a real possibility that all of the surgeries to date on my left hip may fail. Gulp. I will know more at my 6 week follow-up with my surgeon.

On a happier note though, my best friend is bringing fast food over for lunch today and we are going to watch chick flicks all day :)